Diverse Causes Of Back Pain

It is not only during old age that we start to encounter having backaches for there is variety of reasons why such problems occurs. Our back is where our spine is located. And this spine is connected to several nerves, tendons, and ligament, joint and is covered with muscle. So with just a simple ache can affect a person greatly. The effects of back pain may vary depending on its severity.

Pain may be felt for only a specific period or can be continuous; others may feel the pain only on a particular part while some would feel it in the whole of their back. In this regard, it may affect a person’s daily activity and movement making it uncomfortable and even difficult to do things normally.

Some would often take this for granted but this should not always be the case since there are back pains that may already be severe and needs professional attention because if not, this may lead you to more difficult situation later on.

Our spine is divided into 4 parts that may feel pain with diverse reason or causes:

  • Cervical – includes the neck and shoulder part
  • Thoracic – middle part of our back. Part that is in between the neck and lumbar part
  • Lumbar – lower back
  • Pelvic – tailbone of the spine.

Cervical and Thoracic part of our back may often feel pain that is caused usually by poor muscle strength in the area, bad posture or trauma. With the extreme activities that we do in our daily busy life, it is important that we take steps to strengthen every part of our body. Not being able to do this would result to even weaker upper back muscles and would soon cause us problems and pains.

On the other hand, being used to have bad posture even while just sitting when working may also cause the back pain. It is important that when we work and do things, we are still aware of practicing proper sitting or standing posture. You may not notice often but by doing this, our back is more relax and muscles are not that strain preventing you to experience backaches.

Back pain in this area can be summarized as being caused by emotional and physical stress that most individuals take pain relievers or stress removal activities such as massage as a solution.

Lumbar or the lower part of our back would often encounter pains that are often a result of other underlying problems. People entering old age are the most common who experience this type of pain.

People tend to sometimes overused the body with work or forget to take care of it while still on a younger age will take its toll when we are already about to enter our senior years. This is just one of the possible reasons why you experience back pain at this part, There are a lot more that can cause this, so it is better that you seek experts advise to determine the root of the pain and treat it the soonest.

Pelvic pain also termed coccydinia is the pain that is encountered in the tailbone area. Back pain in this area can be identified in 3 types: traumatic, non-traumatic and idiopathic coccydinia. Falling under the traumatic type of pelvic pain are those that may be due to the impact that an activity or instance has made affecting the area such as accidents of falling, pressure experienced from improper or too long sitting and childbirth for women.

On the other hand, non-traumatic ones are caused by health problems that occur without any outside factor to influence it. Problems such as tumors and sacrococcygeal terratoma are some of the examples. And lastly, there are undetermined reasons on where does the pelvic pain really originates, this is the one called as idiopathic coccydinia.

Cited here are just some of the most common causes where you might be getting that back pain. Some of these may not be a cause for one to worry about their health while some should be taken care of immediately.

Back pain that is encountered in excess of 4 weeks already is asking you to visit your doctor and have it checked immediately. Without the proper diagnosis of the problem, you will not be successful in seeking the right remedy for your back pain.