Top 3 Tips On Back Pain Prevention

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Have you experienced aches and pains on your back while sitting for a long period of time or while doing anything? Has this pain been constantly occurring? Next to headache, back pain is the most common pain that people complain about. It usually occurs in one’s muscles; however, the pain spreads throughout the body.

Back pain may be described as mild to severe and the duration of which may last from a short period to a long period of time. Acute back pain is that which last for a short period of time. It usually takes less than a week to about six months. They may also come quickly and will go away in an instant. It is characterized by an intermittent, dull, and nagging pain or one that is quite intense, but it goes away immediately. The cause of acute back pain is, most of the time, easily determinable. Chronic back pain, on the other hand, is one which lasts for a long period of time or for more than six month to, maybe, years. Chronic back pain may be characterized by a piercing and deep pain, the cause of which may be attributed to some bone, muscle, or spinal defects like osteosclerosis or osteoporosis or spina bifida and other spinal malformations, or fractures.

While some may regard back pain as an irritant and disregard them most of the time, it can actually have a great deal of bad effect in one’s life. Back pain may affect the manner of our work, how we deal with our families and loved ones, how we interact with other people, and how we see ourselves.

Work is, to an ordinary employee, his bread and butter. The quality of our work is, most of the time, affected by our health. Constant feeling of back pain usually results to low productivity because our efficiency in work is affected. Imagine constantly moving and changing your position when you are working. It is not only irritating but it also wastes our time. Not to mention the fact that when our back pain is severe, we have to go to the doctor to have it checked. We will not only be spending time away from work but we will also be spending our hard-earned money.  Worry would also be hanging on our head most of the time for fear of being fired from work if we cannot deliver the services required of us.

Another thing is that it greatly affects how we deal with our families and loved ones and how we interact with other people. When we constantly have back pains, especially chronic ones, we cannot do strenuous and even light physical activities. Our capacity to move and to do different activities is limited. We cannot go or join our children’s sports activities or go to parties or get-together because we would rather rest than spend our remaining strength and add to the pain we feel. Likewise, our time that should be spent for our families and friends would be divided to going to the doctor and staying in hospitals.

It also affects our perspective about ourselves. One major point that this really hit us the hardest is our self-confidence. Constantly having back pains can affect our manner of presenting ourselves. Look at our posture when we are in pain. Our shoulders are thrust downward and look strained. Back pain would also be a constant reminder that there is something wrong with our health, and would, therefore, become a hindrance on how we would present ourselves to others.

There are ways that we can prevent back pains from dominating our life. Listed below are some of the things that you can do to help avoid back pains in the future.

  1. While working, make sure that your back is supported by a comfortable cushion. Working without any support on your back contributes greatly to back pain because the muscle of your back gets strained. Therefore, it is always necessary that while you are working, your chair must be comfortable and has a back support.
  2. Stand or walk or move your head from side to side after two to three hours of sitting and working. This will remove the pressure off your back when you are working for a long period of time.
  3. If you are already feeling some pain, try putting cold compress first for a few minutes and then place a hot compress on the same area where you placed the cold compress previously. This will somehow ease the extreme temperature that your muscle has felt.
  4. You can even use CBD oil products to deal with back pain. Now a days, CBD oil products are seemed to be increasingly consumed by people as it is natural and organic with less side effects.

Mild or severe back pains are usually a reminder that our health needs attention. When you feel these symptoms, go and consult your doctor in order to immediately prevent whatever sickness or condition it may cause.


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